Our Miraculously Healed Love Story with Karen and Bret Hart

Bret and Karen's love story

Everybody loves a great love story. Man comes riding on his white horse and rescues damsel in distress and man get sexy, hot woman. The problem is it is not reality. As the couples soon learn he does and says things that are hurtful and vice versa. And unless there is healing another marriage crashes on the rocks of divorce court leaving the carnage in its wake. 

If you talk to Bret he will tell you love was never and issues he would die for his wife, he just couldn't live any longer with feeling bad all the time. Karen would never have stopped blaming Bret for all her woes in life if he had not left, God showed  her that her continued hurtful actions contributed to the demise of their marriage.

How could two people who love each come to this state of affairs?

One of the best reasons and so happens by All Ray one of our speakers stated.” We all leave home with a version of a play book. This is everything we learned how to act and react to situations unfortunately these unlimited versions of family play books is not translated to your spouse. Without learning to communicate your version of play book causes so much pain and heart ache. 

Karen and Bret divorce, and remarry and get a happily ever after, but not until both people learn their play book may have worked with the families they came from, but not the couples union. No matter how hopeless your marriage is in or you want it better, please attend Hart to Hart Marriage Summit. We have people in the business of helping marriages not only survive but thrive. Karen and Bret had help from Eldon and Judith Blanford. And later remarried them. They want people to have hope for their marriage or hope for a future marriage. 

NOTE: The workbook will be available with tomorrow's video!

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